A valuable factor in IOM's good standing among Member States and donors is its careful stewardship of entrusted funds. As IOM continues to grow in response to global migration challenges, its procurement needs grow as well.

This website, alongside global procurement notices, provides information on opportunities for vendors and service providers.

Current Notices

Title of Procurement Contract Name and Nationality of each contractor Amount of each contract (EUR)
Humanitarian Assistance to Population Affected by Typhoon Tisoy PLAN International 450,000
Opportunity for Multi-Media Content Production and Distribution Service Provider IOM Philippines  

Global Procurement Opportunities

A valuable factor in IOM's good standing among Member States and donors is its careful stewardship of entrusted funds. As IOM continues to grow in response to global migration challenges, our procurement needs grow as well. We employ the highest ethical standards in all procurement transactions and choose vendors and service providers based on our policies and defined selection criteria.