Quiénes Somos
Quiénes somosLa Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM) forma parte del Sistema de las Naciones Unidas y es la organización intergubernamental líder que desde 1951 promueve una migración humana y ordenada para beneficio de todos, con 174 Estados Miembros y presencia en más de 100 países.
Sobre nosotros
Sobre nosotros
OIM Global
OIM Global
Nuestro Trabajo
Nuestro TrabajoComo organización intergubernamental líder que desde 1951 promueve la migración humana y ordenada, la OIM juega un rol clave en cuanto a apoyar el logro de la Agenda 2030 por medio de diferentes áreas de intervención que conectan a la asistencia humanitaria con el desarrollo sostenible.
Prioridades transversales
Prioridades transversales
- Datos y Recursos
- Actúa
- 2030 Agenda
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is committed to the principle that humane and orderly migration benefits migrants and society.
IOM works with its partners to:
- Assist in meeting the growing operational challenges of migration management
- Advance understanding of migration issues
- Encourage social and economic development through migration
- Uphold the human dignity and well-being of migrants
IOM Philippines Country Strategy
IOM’s vision is a world in which migrants move because of genuine choice rather than desperate necessity, in which the rights of migrants are protected through their journeys, and in which migration is well-governed and a positive force for all the world’s peoples and societies.
IOM’s strategy for the Philippines is aligned with the Migration Governance Framework, adopted by our member states in 2015, as well as the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. In a time of unprecedented mobility, IOM believes that migration is: 1) inevitable: given various drivers in the interconnected and interdependent world that we have created; 2) necessary: if skills are to be available to fill jobs for economies to flourish; and 3) desirable: in terms of the benefits it brings to migrant themselves and their families, and in turn, for the contributions that they make in countries of origin, transit and destination.